The draws for the 2019 Louth LGFA Junior, Intermediate and Senior Championships were made in St Kevins GFC in Philipstown on Monday evening.
The draws were made by team members from the victorious Louth U16 Leinster champions.

Also in attendance on the night were representatives from our generous sponsors; Halpenny Travel, Hollywood Developments and Watters of Collon.

Halpenny Travel Senior Championship
Group A: St Mochtas, St Brides, Geraldines.
First match: Mochtas v Brides
Group B: St Fechins, Newtown Blues, Stabannon Parnells.
First match: Fechins v Blues
Group C: St Kevins, Roche/Na Piarsaigh, Cooley Kickhams.
First match Kevins v Roche/Naps
Hollywood Developments Intermediate Championship
Group A: Clan na Gael, O’Raghallaighs/Oliver Plunketts, Kilkerly Emmets, Dreadnots.
First Matches O’Raghs/Plnkts v Clans, Kilkerly v Dreadnots
Group B: St Patricks, Naomh Fionnbarra, Naomh Mairtin/Glen Emmets, Glyde Rangers.
First Matches: Pats v Fionnbarrs, N Mairtin/G Emmets v Glyde
Watters of Collon Junior Championship
Four team will compete for this championship; Ardee St Marys, Hunterstown Rovers, Geraldines B and Cooley Kickhams B (Format to be determined).
Fixture details to be announced…
Many of our Ladies teams were represented on the night. Some photos from Warren Matthews below;
Stabannon ORaghallaighs/Plunketts Cooley Mochtas Geraldines St Marys Fechins Blues Glyde St Pats Hunterstown Roche/Na Piarsaigh Mairtins/Emmets