The draws for the 2019 Under 14, Under 16 and Minor Championships took place in The Geraldines on Wednesday 26th June.
The groups drawn are as follows;
U14 A Championship
Group A
- Hunterstown Rovers
- Cooley Kickhams
- Geraldines A
Group B
- St Fechins
- St Patricks
- Newtown Blues
U14 B Championship
Group A
- Glen Emmets
- St Kevins
- Clan na Gael
- Naomh Mairtin
Group B
- Stabannon
- Geraldines B
- O’Raghallaighs/Plunketts
U 14 C Championship
Group A
- Wolfe Tones
- St Mochtas
- Naomh Fionnbarra/Dreadnots
- Glyde/Westerns
Group B
- Kilkerley
- Mattock Rangers
- St Marys
- Roche Emmets
U16 A Championship
Group A
- Kilkerley
- Stabannon/St Kevins
- Naomh Mairtin
- Cooley Kickhams
Group B
- O’Raghallaighs/Plunketts
- D’hill/Roche
- Geraldines
- Hunterstwon Rovers
U 16 B Championship
Group A
- Glen Emmets
- St Brides
- St Fechins
- Glyde Rangers
Group B
- Dreadnots
- St Patricks
- Clan na Gael
- Newtown Blues
Minor Championship
(Revised after County Board meeting on 17/7/19)
Group A
- Dreadnots (+ players on loan from N Fionnbarra)
- Clan na Gael
- Newtown Blues (+ players on loan from O’Raghallaighs & Oliver Plunketts)
- St Brides/Mochtas
Group B
- D’hill/Roche
- Naomh Mairtin/Glen Emmets
- Stabannon/St Kevins
- Geraldines
Group C
Glyde/Westerns(withdrawn)- St Marys (+ players on loan from Glyde & Westerns)
- Kilkerley
- St Fechins
Group D
O’Raghallaighs/Plunketts(withdrawn)- Cooley Kickhams
- St Patricks
- Huntersown Rovers (+ players on loan from Mattock)
Fixture details to follow… First round on 31st July.
We had representatives from a number of the teams present on the night. Some photos from Warren Matthews;