The draw for the knockout stages of the championships took place in St Kevins GFC on Thursday evening (July 25th) at 9pm.
Senior Football Championship
Quarter Finals
1. Roche Emmets v St Mochtas – Sun 4th August -Time TBC
2. St Fechins v St Kevins – Sun 11th August at 11am
3. Geraldines v Newtown Blues – TBC
4. Cooley Kickhams v Stabannon Parnells – Sun 11th August at 4pm
Semi Finals
2 v 3 – Sun Sept 1st at 3.30pm
4 v 1 – Sun Sept 1st at 7.30pm

Intermediate Football Championship
Quarter Finals
Naomh Mairtin/Glen Emmets v Dreadnots – Friday 9th August at 8pm
Kilkerley Emmets v Naomh Fionnbarra – Sunday 11th August at 11am
Semi Finals
St Patricks v Naomh Mairtin/Glen Emmets or Dreadnots – Sun Sept 1st at 6pm
Clan na Gael v Kilkerley Emmets or Naomh Fionnbarra – Sun Sept 1st at 2pm
Junior C’Ship To Follow.