- Club Contacts 2020: Forms have been emailed to club secretaries. Each club is required to submit the name of a contact for each team, also Secretary & Chairperson and return the form on or before Friday March 6th.
- March 14th is confirmed for running The Fundamentals Course. Places are limited so it is on a first come basis.
This course is in St Kevins GFC from 9am to 4pm.
Another one can be arranged at a later date. Any queries to Development Officer Brian Lynch:086-7840101 or development.louth@lgfa.ie
- Croke Park are having a Go Games Blitz on April 10th, in order to enter the above we must run our own u10 Blitz before March 17th. Go Game Blitz details here.
We require information as to whether your club is entering a team. This information is required by mid day on Thursday 5th March.
Please send your response to secretary.louth@lgfa.ie even if you are not entering. No entries will be accepted after this date.
- A NEW Coach the Keeper Workshop takes please Saturday 7th March from 10am-2pm in Our Lady’s Secondary School, Templemore, Tipperary followed by a second regional workshop on 21st March in Mullahoran GAA Club, Cavan.
There are limited placed remaining for these workshops and last bookings for Templemore must be made by 1pm on Wednesday 4th March. Full details are available at https://ladiesgaelic.ie/coach-the-keeper-roadshow